What ports am I using?

I've lost track of which ports are in use on my server. I'm not too worried about the ones used internally on the docker networks, but the ones that

Handling command access

We've set up a bot. We've chosen which users are allowed which level of access. We've set the access levels of the commands which we are going

Access Control Setup Part 2

We've set the permissions of the users, but we need to decide on the level of permission needed for the commands & then have them ready to compare to the user

Access Control Setup Part 1

The access control setup for my NodeRed telegram bot isn't intended to be an all singing & dancing affair. Adding/removing/changing people isn't something that I expect to

My experience with Self Hosting NewsBlur

This is not so much a guide as a place for me to document things, so that I can come back to them later. I really like NewsBlur, especially the filtering system being